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Author: (e.g., Bandettini, Teresa)
Alternate Names: (e.g., Etrusca, Amarilli)
Title of Respect: (e.g., Contessa)
Year of Birth: (e.g., 1763 or 1700-1775)
Year of Death: (e.g., 1837 or 1800-1850)
Century: (e.g., Settecento-Ottocento)
Place of Birth: (e.g., Lucca, Italy)
Place of Death: (e.g., Lucca, Italy)
Region: (e.g., Toscana)
Father: (e.g., Bandettini, Benedetto)
Mother: (e.g., Micheli, Maria Alba)
Class: (e.g., Bourgeoisie)
Marital Status: (e.g., Married)
Year of First Marriage: (e.g., 1901 or 1900-1925)
Number of Marriages: (e.g., 1 or 1-3)
Husbands: (e.g., Landucci, Pietro)
Lovers: (e.g., Zen, Bartolomeo)
Maternal Status:
Number of Children: (e.g., 6 or 5-10)
Children: (e.g., Landucci, Francesco)
Religion: (e.g., Jewish)
Education: (e.g., College)
Occupation: (e.g., Journalist)
Prizes: (e.g., Bagutta)
Portrait Availablity: (Select an Option)
Biography Availablity: (Select an Option)
Biography Writer: (e.g.,)
Bio Writer Info: (e.g., )
Full-Text Availablity: (Select an Option)
Editions Availablity: (Select an Option)
Note: (e.g., A0065)
Author Code: (e.g., A0065)

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