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1 Editions

IWW Author(s): Ardinghelli, Maria Angela, 1728-1825
Other Authors: Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761
Edition Title: Statica de' vegetabili, ed analisi dell' aria
Alternate Title: Vegetable Staticks
Place of Publication: Napoli
Publisher: G. Raimondi
Year of Publication: 1756
Description: [6], 368 p., 20 fold. plates., 23 cm
Language: Italian
Notes: Opera del dottore Stefano Hales. Tradotta dall' inglese, con varie annotazioni [da M.A. Ardinghelli].
Genre: Translation; Other prose text
Subjects: Plant physiology.; Air -- analysis.
OCLC Accession No.: 2585761
Edition Code: E63958-01
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