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1 Editions

IWW Author(s): Cambria, Adele, 1931-
Edition Title: L'Italia segreta delle donne: amori tormentati, intrighi politici, passioni rivoluzionarie e abbandoni romantici: tra dee, eroine, poetesse e nobildonne, un viaggio attraverso i luoghi dove vissero e agirono le protagoniste della nostra storia
Edition: 1st ed.
Place of Publication: Roma
Publisher: Newton Compton
Year of Publication: 1984
Series: Quest'Italia 63
Description: 378 p.: ill., 23 cm.
Language: Italian
Genre: History, chronicle
Subjects: Women -- Italy -- History.; Women in literature.
OCLC Accession No.: 12845778
Edition Code: E60829-01
Author Information

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