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1 Editions

IWW Author(s): Guidiccioni Lucchesini, Laura, 1550-1599
Other Authors: Cavalieri, Emilio de', ca.1550-1602
Edition Title: "Il ballo del gran duca"
Alternate Title: "O che nuovo miracolo"
Year of Publication: Performed 1589
Language: Italian
Notes: Now lost. Final ballo of a series of intermedi, given the text O che nuovo miracolo' by Laura Guidiccioni after the music was composed, performed for the wedding of Ferdinando de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, to Christine of Lorraine in 1589 in Florence (Claude V. Palisca, s.v. Cavalieri in Grove Music Online).
Genre: Musical work
Edition Code: E50910-01
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