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1 Editions

IWW Author(s): Agnesi, Maria Gaetana, 1718-1799
Translator: Colson, John, 1680-1760
Edition Title: Analytical Institutions in Four Books: Originally Written in Italian
Alternate Title: Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventù italiana ...
Edition: 1st English ed.
Place of Publication: London
Publisher: Taylor and Wilks
Year of Publication: 1801
Description: 2 v. in 1: diagrs., 28 cm.
Language: English
Notes: "Account of Maria Agnesi": v. 1, xiii-xvi. Vol. 1 contains the 1st book, to which is prefixed an introduction by the translator. Pub. under the patronage of Baron Maseres. Cf. Preface. Original title: Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventu italiana ... Autographed letters by J. Colson and John Hellins in pocket. By Donna Maria Gaetana Agnesi ... Tr. into English by the late Rev. John Colson ... Now first printed, from the translator's manuscript, under the inspection of the Rev. John Hellins
Genre: Other prose text
Table of Contents: v. 1 bk.1 The analysis of finite quantities.--v. 2 bk.2 The analysis of quantities infinitely small.--Bk.3 Of the integral calculus.--Bk.4 The inverse method of tangents.
Subjects: Mathematics.; Calculus.
OCLC Accession No.: 17019536
Edition Code: E50476-02
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