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1 Editions

IWW Author(s): Monte, Issicratea, 1564-1584?
Edition Title: Oratione di Mad. Issicratea Monte Rodigiana nella congratulatione del Serenissimo Principe di Venetia, Niccolò da Ponte
Edition: 1st ed.
Place of Publication: Venezia
Publisher: Domenico e Gio. Battista Guerra, fratelli?
Year of Publication: 1578?
Language: Italian
Notes: Virginia Cox notes, "This has no date or printer's name, but the frontispiece is identical to the first oration to Venier, suggesting that the printers are still the Guerra, while the date of the dedicatory letter is 8 September 1578." Includes a prefatory sonnet: 'Alla virtuosissima Signora Issicratea Monte Rodigiana. Di Mad. M. P.'
Genre: Oration
Dedicatee: Mag. Sig. Marina Gussona, consorte del Mag. Et Clariss. Sig. Nicolò da Ponte
Edition Code: E50280-01
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