1 Editions
IWW Author(s): Perodi, Emma, 1850-1918
Edition Title: Le novelle della nonna: fiabe fantastiche
Alternate Title: Fiabe fantastiche: le novelle della nonna
Place of Publication: Firenze
Publisher: A. Salani
Year of Publication: 1906
Series: Biblioteca Salani illustrata
Description: Parte I, 16 fig. p. 289, Parte II, 16 fig. p. 342, Parte III, 16 fig. p. 316, Parte IV, 16 fig. p. 340
Language: Italian
Notes: Published separately in four parts by A. Salani in 1906. Appeared for the first time in five volumes in 1892, published in the series "Biblioteca fantastica" by E. Perino, Roma.
Genre: Children's literature; Short story
Subjects: Fairy tales -- Italy.; Children's stories, Italian.
Edition Code: E40339-01
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