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1 Editions

IWW Author(s): Gambara, Veronica, 1485-1550
Editor: Ruscelli, Girolamo, ca.1504-1566
Edition Title: "Rime"
Edition: 1st ed.
Place of Publication: Venezia
Publisher: Giovanbattista et Melchior Sessa fratelli
Year of Publication: 1558
Collection: I fiori delle rime de' poeti illustri, nuovamente raccolti et ordinati da Girolamo Ruscelli, p. 565-571
Language: Italian
Notes: Reel 1: v. 1-5, Reel 2: v. 6-9. Reproduction: Microfilm. London: British Library, 2004. 2 microfilm reels, 35 mm. (PB MIC 47080). Although this book is often catalogued incorrectly as vol. 8 of the series Rime diverse di molti eccellentissimi auttori nuovamente raccolte, it probably was not conceived as part of the series. See Louise George and William G. Clubb, "Building a Lyric Canon: Gabriel Giolito and the Rival Anthologists" (Italica, vol. 68, No. 3 (Autumn, 1991)), p. 338.
Genre: Poem
OCLC Accession No.: 56925230
Edition Code: E40327-05
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