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1 Editions

IWW Author(s): Caminer Turra, Elisabetta, 1751-1796
Other Authors: Méhégan, Guillaume-Alexandre de, 1721-1766
Edition Title: Quadro della storia moderna dalla caduta dell'Impero d'occidente alla pace de Vestfalia
Alternate Title: Tableau de l'histoire moderne, depuis la chute de l'empire d'occident, jusqà la paix de Westphalie
Edition: 1st ed.
Place of Publication: Vicenza
Publisher: Stamp. Turra
Year of Publication: 1780
Description: 3 v., 8o.
Language: Italian
Notes: Tradotta dal francese da Elisabetta Caminer Turra. Sui front. non compare il nome dell'ed. "Vincenza, with false imprint of Parigi."
Genre: Translation; History, chronicle
Subjects: Middle Ages -- History.; History, Modern.
Edition Code: E30051-01
Author Information

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