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1 Editions

IWW Author(s): Caminer Turra, Elisabetta, 1751-1796
Other Authors: Belloy, M. de (Pierre-Laurent Buyrette), 1727-1775
Edition Title: Gabriella di Vergy
Alternate Title: Gabrielle de Vergi
Edition: 1st ed.
Place of Publication: Venezia
Publisher: s.n.
Year of Publication: 1771
Language: Italian
Notes: Tragedia in cinque atti in versi di Pierre Laurent Buyrette de Belloy. Tradotta da Elisabetta Caminer Turra. Republished in the series Il teatro moderno applaudito, t. 35, pt. 1, Venezia, 1799.
Genre: Translation; Play
OCLC Accession No.: 27285293
Edition Code: E30043-01
Author Information

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