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1 Editions

IWW Author(s): Saluzzo Roero, Diodata, 1774-1840
Edition Title: Versi di Diodata Saluzzo Roero
Edition: 4th ed.
Place of Publication: Torino
Publisher: Vedova Pomba e figli
Year of Publication: 1816-1817
Description: 4 v., 17 cm.
Language: Italian
Notes: Quarta edizione corretta ed accresciuta. This section includes the poems from the 1796 edition with a few new poems, two tragedies, and two short stories.
Genre: Poem; Short story; Play
Table of Contents: Vol. 1: Sonetti - Canzoni. Vol. 2: Odi e anacreontiche - Cantate - Sciolti. Vol. 3: Terze rime - Stanze ed altri poemetti. Vol. 4: Erminia, Tragedia prima - Tullia, Tragedia seconda - Gaspara Stampa, Novella - In morte di Melania Taparelli d'Azeglio - Alla Maestà del Re Vittorio Emanuele - Al Santuario della B. V.
Edition Code: E20017-02
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Digitized Text: 1
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