Author: Pietravalle, Lina
, 1887-1956
Alternate Names: Lyna; Pietravalle, Angelina
Century: Ottocento-Novecento
Place of Birth: Fasano, Italy
Place of Death: Naples, Italy (Napoli)
Region: Molise
Father: Pietravalle, Michele (1858-1923)
Mother: Maria
Marital Status: Married; Separated
Date of First Marriage: 1907
Number of marriages: 2
Husbands: Nonno, Pasquale; Bacchelli, Giorgio (?-1942)
Maternal Status: Mother
Number of Children: 1
Children: Nonno, Lionello (?-1944)
Religion: Christian: Catholic
Education: High school
Occupation: Writer
Author Code: A0593
Editions of Texts
Lina Pietravalle