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Author: Buffoni Zappa, Camilla , 1863-?
Alternate Names: Buffoni-Zappa, Camilla
Century: Ottocento-Novecento
Place of Birth: Pagenghe on Lake Garda, Italy
Region: Lombardia
Maternal Status: Not indicated
Occupation: Educator: teacher
Author Code: A0351
Editions of Texts Camilla Buffoni Zappa

Author: Contessa Lara, , 1849-1896
Alternate Names: Lara, contessa; Cattermole Mancini, Evelina; Cattermole Mancini, Eva Giovanna
Century: Ottocento
Place of Birth: Florence, Italy (Firenze)
Place of Death: Rome, Italy (Roma)
Region: Toscana
Father: Cattermole, Guglielmo
Mother: Sandusch, Elisa
Class: Bourgeoisie
Marital Status: Married; Separated
Date of First Marriage: 1871
Number of marriages: 1
Husbands: Mancini, Eugenio
Lovers: Bennati di Baylon, Giuseppe (?-1875); Rapisardi, Mario; Pierantoni, Giuseppe; Cesareo, Giovanni Alfredo (1861-1937)
Maternal Status: Childless
Number of Children: 0
Author Code: A0012
Texts Available by Contessa Lara
Editions of Texts Contessa Lara
Biography by Carlo Caporossi

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