Author: Rafanelli, Leda
, 1880-1971
Alternate Names: Bazaroff, Kostia; Bazaroff, Costantino; Gamalier, Etienne; Nada
Century: Ottocento-Novecento
Place of Birth: Pistoia, Italy
Place of Death: Genoa, Italy (Genova)
Region: Toscana
Marital Status: Married; Separated
Husbands: Polli, Luigi (Ugo?)
Lovers: Monanni, Giuseppe (1887-?)
Maternal Status: Mother
Number of Children: 1
Children: Monanni, Marsilio (1910-)
Religion: Muslim
Occupation: Publisher; Writer: essayist
Author Code: A0242
Texts Available by
Leda Rafanelli
Editions of Texts
Leda Rafanelli
Biography by Franco Andreucci, L'Università di Pisa