Author: Gonzaga, Lucrezia
, 1521?-1576
Alternate Names: Gonzaga Manfrone, Lucrezia; Manfrone, Lucrezia Gonzaga
Century: Cinquecento
Place of Birth: Gazzuolo, Italy
Place of Death: Mantua, Italy (Mantova)
Region: Lombardia
Father: Pirro I, signore di Gazzuolo
Mother: Bentivolgio, Camilla
Class: Aristocracy
Marital Status: Married
Date of First Marriage: 1541
Number of marriages: 1
Husbands: Manfrone, generale Gianpaolo (?-1552)
Maternal Status: Mother
Author Code: A0159
Editions of Texts
Lucrezia Gonzaga
Biography by Meredith Kennedy Ray, The University of Delaware