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Author: Cambria, Adele , 1931-
Century: Novecento-Contemporaneo
Place of Birth: Reggio Calabria
Region: Calabria
Maternal Status: Not indicated
Education: College
Occupation: Writer: journalist; Editor
Author Code: A0084
Editions of Texts Adele Cambria

Author: Morra, Isabella di , ca.1520-1545(46)
Alternate Names: Morra, Isabella; Morra, Isabella della
Century: Cinquecento
Place of Birth: Favale, Basilicata, Italy
Place of Death: Favale, Basilicata, Italy
Region: Basilicata
Father: Morra, Giovan Michele di, barone di Favale
Mother: Brancaccio, Luisa
Class: Aristocracy
Marital Status: Single
Number of marriages: 0
Lovers: Sandoval de Castro, Don Diego?
Maternal Status: Childless
Number of Children: 0
Religion: Christian: Catholic
Education: Private tutor
Author Code: A0033
Editions of Texts Isabella di Morra
Biography by Margaret E. Kern, The University of Chicago

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